Are you Chirkut ?


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Little difference is between saying bye and good-bye
Changes the whole of your sky,
I will always remember the time spent with you
Time went on moving and so were you,
We used to laugh loud and shout
We will ever be apart no one had this doubt,
Goodbyes are never so long
And they remain always in our heart like a beautiful song,
The moments of joy and the moments of cry
Will now be a forever spy,
I will be no more there to listen to your songs
As you will be busy singing them with someone along,
With who will I share all my feelings
As for you my feelings were just a dealing,
I wishes to give fragrance in your life
You found someone else as to fit in your profile,
I was trying to be the fire for you in the coolest of the winters
But you found your warmth in someone's else grip,
I promise to be there when you need me
But won't force you now to please me,
I am saying you my last bye
I just wished you would have stopped me to say you GOOD-BYE...

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I promise, if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world, you will eventually become it !!
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